Received prompt and concise advice which I couldn’t find elsewhere
Some simple but great and powerful advice
Felt there was someone knowledgeable to get advice from. Everything mentioned was looked at and an appropriate response given. Practical suggestions were given
In my case I was receiving different opinions and views about my enquiry and now that I have received my reply with facts I am more confident in taking the relevant steps
This is an excellent service that is badly needed
"I think it is very important to have such a service in place as there are many people who need this support and are unaware of Unity"
"I appreciate all of the help I received and would just like to say thank you"
"Unity advised me and I am sure there are many out there who do not know who to approach when relating to sensitive issues"
"Unity could do a lot more if given more resources"
"The Shaykh at Unity family services is the first I have ever come across who not only respects my confidentiality but really tried to understand what I had been through and provided the advice and words that are helping me to get through this situation"